30 Ocak 2023 Pazartesi

One step further.

The death of nations : Meltdown

The dissolution of Eurasian nation-states does not start with political movements but rather biosphere infestations. As the Eurasian bourgouisie carry further on the will of bio-capital, the wind which has been slowly corroding and leveling down the sides of the valley makes her final push, flooding the steppe with foreign investment and pushing asia against the clutches of global capital. As soon as the flood ends, it is all washed away, Eurasia now is the steppe. With all else gone, classes are abolished, all becoming fuel for global bio-capital as the cult no longer needs humans to grow. Blood is the currency of the new world, and Asia bleeds the most. 

Cannibalistic White Juche arises, as the ruling class and lumpens of Europe synthesize the abundance and scarcity. New age european warlords take the shape of stock traders, trying to seize their piece of whatever commodity remains in connection to the now obsolete stock markets of all those important cities. Merging the ideal of autarky and expansionism, what follows is countless cyber-wars and terrorists attacks all for the sake of avoiding the unavoidable. State-sponsored economic cannibalism starts at this point, as all money and resources are liquified in order to sustain the markets in face of collapse. Capital is now protein, minerals, acid and fats. Bio-capital takes a bite out of life expectancy, and quickly all european industry becomes dependant on nuclear energy. The wind slowly kills down the alps, the steppe spreads like a gift from God.

Borders collapse and states become useless, as Eurasia finds union in devouring the remains of global capital. Bio-capital takes a hold on all of the steppe, crushing the wind into the ground. Noosphere emissions break down human senses and reason, the next step in our evolution comes to us infused with Berliner Mandarin and the raw brutality of digital cavalry in the form of moral degradation spread door to door. The cult is at the core of human civilization, now its sun and only way, leading it to the gluttonous rites of  consumerism. The hunger of their god cannot be satiated. Identity exclusively serves purchase options, weaponizing the individuals wallet and numbing their mind, marbles cannot be picked out of the sea of characteristics. It is not long before all of it is deafened, the schism is soon mended and the cult, is again, one. Material worships itself.

28 Ocak 2023 Cumartesi

The Convergence of The Cult II


The identification of the modern phenomenon of the cult of commodity has to be precisely done under revisionist neo-materialist dialectics and analysis, because tying it down to esoteric or much, much older beliefs only does a disservice to capitalism. Just like any other religion lines could be drawn between the current cult and ancient cults, but we shall not do that, for it is simply meaningless in a greater retrospect of things. 

A seed has grown into a tree, biomass-capital spreading with petals and pollen, a global neo-organic manifestation of satan bound together by the noosphere/the whole ecosphere of Gaia, free from the shackles of a Master-Slave duality. 

The cult is not the sponsor of simply an idea or a religion, but rather it is a representative, the idol of its god in this world. Divided individual by individual, it amasses a mass greater than the earth itself, its roots and infestations sprung across the net of minds and spirits everywhere. 

Singularity/Technocapital biomass overgrowth. The birth of the new world was marked by the stretching of the countless billion limbs of her new god. Convergence is inescapable.

2023: 2024: 2025: Hordes of unwashed consumers smelling of Levantine roses are within their walking grounds, marching towards the horizon. The sun is slowly setting, yet it will be there when you wake up the next day. It is not a question of stopping, we are in constant movement, the body is slowly processing the intake and flushing out what it no longer needs, the flesh-bound spirit is subject to the torments of its organicist vessel. Veins and lakes, grow and contain life endlessly. 

You can watch yourself in the puddles of blood, reflecting back with all of the features and properties of any other body of liquid, the roots, and the deepest leaves are exposed, but you cannot figure out what the origin point is. Only the horizon. Only the eternal, warm life of the sun. Opposed to the coldness of the earth, dark bark flesh covers the entirety of our seas. 

The death of a nation marks the death of a people, and the death of a people marks the death of a culture; yet death is passable as much as life is, revival is a non-issue with the cycle of life in traditional properties. Leaves sprung up and die more potent than ever, yet at times winter breaks down what we hold as sacred. Tradition does not exist. Everything is organic, everything lives and dies organically, the organism is the enemy of humanity. 

2026: 2027: 2028: The cult is an organism, it worships itself, it has individual cells which worship it, and it is the body of god. The breakdown of material conditions, decay in infrastructure and the ever-growing use of fossil fuels require a full switch to green energy. The less a person can buy, the more they can pay for. Jerusalem and her god weep as the last sacrileges of Christian thought are raped with fiery thorns. Meltdown.

We are not at a point where the globalists who control our world want to destroy our customs and are actively trying to, that destruction is happening today, and Eurasia has been beheaded. It is happening now, it is happening here.

29: 30: Death marks the end of a contract, where the consumer can no longer produce value or capital, and as such is as good as a commodity. Corpses are to be eaten alive. After the body is no longer sentient it is to be used as fuel, biomass turns into energy. The eternal birth-excess chain bounds together the 7 continents. Our fate is pre-determined, kept in the grand vaults of 20th-century post-situationist literature. 

9 Ocak 2023 Pazartesi

The Convergence of The Cult

 The Convergence of The Cult

While I've gone through several arguments from many sides of the political spectrum, I believe deeply that there is something much more sinister that lies within ''The Cult of The Commodity'' i.e the new idolatry of our age. As I just did, most arguments against it give a basis that today we do not have a unified religion being pushed forward by ''The Cathedral'' but rather a form of sheer ideology, which seeks to blind people through millions of idols.

The main point of attention I've seen that comes from the right is that ''new religion(s)'' formed by the elites/global capital/the cathedral (whatever label you'd like to use) is not organized but rather it is like bacteria, spreading and mutating on its own will and through force by the environment. First of all, this seems right at first, but it is not the truth, in fact, it is much rather a comfort we make for ourselves, to soothe and to keep on. 

The ideologues in question and the agitprop of ''The Cathedral'' go over one fatal detail, this bacteria does not simply move amongst the lowlifes or the shills and intellectuals of higher caste but such a virus would infect society as a whole, elites were not safe during the black plague. It was the nobility of Europe that Christianized it, and the movement in mass only took power through the Christian kings of Rome. This, and the fact that in its refusal of dropping the false narratives they were told by ''The Cathedral'' instead chose to go around it and name the elites whilst not trying to break into clarity, but rather accept new formations of sub-sects like Dark Enlightenment/The Blackpill, etc

We need a new understanding of what we are facing today, and it is not simply a rebellion against tradition nor the attempts of so-called leftists to push for societal collapse//progress, but it is a religion with its sects and faithful believers in the flesh, not a cultural trend but a global wave of fervor and faith (piety.) This is not just an ambiguously hidden attempt by some sort of global capital to brainwash people either, but they believe in the ''Cult Of The Commodity/Capital'' and they are trying to push their religion, as any faithful ruler would. 

The Cult is not similar to bacteria nor idolatry in concept, but rather, the protestant schism would be a good example. The central church, the alt-cult, and the thousands of sub-churches and cults. There is the vague worship of capital//commodity, one way or another, even if their sect completely detracts from the life principles of the central church. And it has been inflicted upon the entire world, but we have washed our hands of greed. 

Another detail is that the model we are taking cannot be compared to, for example, the start or the genesis of a religion, but we can clearly see that it has already taken form, grown in severe mass and given fruit in the world, through close observation. It is not the era of new preachers nor a new church but rather so the church is one, and those alongside it are the faithful in disobeyance. Orthodoxy, can be seen as a rejection of wealth worship in favour of humanism (social democracy and vice versa) which have split from the church not as much so in doctrine as much as they have in implementation.


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