9 Ocak 2023 Pazartesi

The Convergence of The Cult

 The Convergence of The Cult

While I've gone through several arguments from many sides of the political spectrum, I believe deeply that there is something much more sinister that lies within ''The Cult of The Commodity'' i.e the new idolatry of our age. As I just did, most arguments against it give a basis that today we do not have a unified religion being pushed forward by ''The Cathedral'' but rather a form of sheer ideology, which seeks to blind people through millions of idols.

The main point of attention I've seen that comes from the right is that ''new religion(s)'' formed by the elites/global capital/the cathedral (whatever label you'd like to use) is not organized but rather it is like bacteria, spreading and mutating on its own will and through force by the environment. First of all, this seems right at first, but it is not the truth, in fact, it is much rather a comfort we make for ourselves, to soothe and to keep on. 

The ideologues in question and the agitprop of ''The Cathedral'' go over one fatal detail, this bacteria does not simply move amongst the lowlifes or the shills and intellectuals of higher caste but such a virus would infect society as a whole, elites were not safe during the black plague. It was the nobility of Europe that Christianized it, and the movement in mass only took power through the Christian kings of Rome. This, and the fact that in its refusal of dropping the false narratives they were told by ''The Cathedral'' instead chose to go around it and name the elites whilst not trying to break into clarity, but rather accept new formations of sub-sects like Dark Enlightenment/The Blackpill, etc

We need a new understanding of what we are facing today, and it is not simply a rebellion against tradition nor the attempts of so-called leftists to push for societal collapse//progress, but it is a religion with its sects and faithful believers in the flesh, not a cultural trend but a global wave of fervor and faith (piety.) This is not just an ambiguously hidden attempt by some sort of global capital to brainwash people either, but they believe in the ''Cult Of The Commodity/Capital'' and they are trying to push their religion, as any faithful ruler would. 

The Cult is not similar to bacteria nor idolatry in concept, but rather, the protestant schism would be a good example. The central church, the alt-cult, and the thousands of sub-churches and cults. There is the vague worship of capital//commodity, one way or another, even if their sect completely detracts from the life principles of the central church. And it has been inflicted upon the entire world, but we have washed our hands of greed. 

Another detail is that the model we are taking cannot be compared to, for example, the start or the genesis of a religion, but we can clearly see that it has already taken form, grown in severe mass and given fruit in the world, through close observation. It is not the era of new preachers nor a new church but rather so the church is one, and those alongside it are the faithful in disobeyance. Orthodoxy, can be seen as a rejection of wealth worship in favour of humanism (social democracy and vice versa) which have split from the church not as much so in doctrine as much as they have in implementation.


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