30 Ocak 2023 Pazartesi

One step further.

The death of nations : Meltdown

The dissolution of Eurasian nation-states does not start with political movements but rather biosphere infestations. As the Eurasian bourgouisie carry further on the will of bio-capital, the wind which has been slowly corroding and leveling down the sides of the valley makes her final push, flooding the steppe with foreign investment and pushing asia against the clutches of global capital. As soon as the flood ends, it is all washed away, Eurasia now is the steppe. With all else gone, classes are abolished, all becoming fuel for global bio-capital as the cult no longer needs humans to grow. Blood is the currency of the new world, and Asia bleeds the most. 

Cannibalistic White Juche arises, as the ruling class and lumpens of Europe synthesize the abundance and scarcity. New age european warlords take the shape of stock traders, trying to seize their piece of whatever commodity remains in connection to the now obsolete stock markets of all those important cities. Merging the ideal of autarky and expansionism, what follows is countless cyber-wars and terrorists attacks all for the sake of avoiding the unavoidable. State-sponsored economic cannibalism starts at this point, as all money and resources are liquified in order to sustain the markets in face of collapse. Capital is now protein, minerals, acid and fats. Bio-capital takes a bite out of life expectancy, and quickly all european industry becomes dependant on nuclear energy. The wind slowly kills down the alps, the steppe spreads like a gift from God.

Borders collapse and states become useless, as Eurasia finds union in devouring the remains of global capital. Bio-capital takes a hold on all of the steppe, crushing the wind into the ground. Noosphere emissions break down human senses and reason, the next step in our evolution comes to us infused with Berliner Mandarin and the raw brutality of digital cavalry in the form of moral degradation spread door to door. The cult is at the core of human civilization, now its sun and only way, leading it to the gluttonous rites of  consumerism. The hunger of their god cannot be satiated. Identity exclusively serves purchase options, weaponizing the individuals wallet and numbing their mind, marbles cannot be picked out of the sea of characteristics. It is not long before all of it is deafened, the schism is soon mended and the cult, is again, one. Material worships itself.

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